- Compost worms are most effective at a temperature of 15 -25 ° and ONLY if the get enough air (!). Is it too hot (e.g. like during the hot rotting of fresh grass clippings), then the compost worms move back to cooler areas. After the completion of the hot rotting, which takes a few days, the helpers come back and process the fresh material in no time. Compost worms love freshly rotted material, and in the SUPERCOMP, they keep to about 20cm below the surface, making them invisible to the human eye.
- They hibernate in cocoons, from which young worms slip out of in the spring, as soon as the temperatures reach 6°C.If you want to compost “normally” even in winter, a garage, a shed or a place near the southern wall of your property is recommended. Operation during winter is certainly more limited; nevertheless, you can throw in your waste. Usually in winter there also is lest waste than in the warmer months.
- A compost pile must be ventilated as well as possible. If this is not the case, the process nearly comes to a halt, taking much longer (up to 24 months), and can develop bad odors due to putrefaction. The SUPERCOMP can be ventilated fully, vertically from the bottom to the top, by using its gliding and landing gear (chimney effect).
- Compost piles should not be moved, because the compost creatures (especially the compost worms) flee immediately when disturbed, making it hard for the compost process to be set in motion again. With a SUPERCOMP eliminates the otherwise necessary turning (= moving) of the pile, and the compost process is undisturbed.
- The environment for living things should not be too wet, not too dry. A composter protects the pile from sun and rain. Under extreme weather conditions, such as under constant heat or rain, the ideal conditions can be manually recreated easily by adding “woody” materials (if there is too much moisture) or by pouring in water (in too dry conditions). But do not worry: This is extremely rare. As long as you always provide the SUPERCOMP with fresh and moist materials, no problems are to be expected.
In summary: A SUPERCOMP thermo composter, with its patented sliding and supporting device, creates the ideal living conditions for compost creatures (1 billion living organisms per cm3). They can work incredibly fast, multiply perfectly and quickly create high-quality compost.
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