Joanneum Research has tested and inspected the SUPERCOMP

The Joanneum Research Institute of the University of Technology of Graz (Austria) led empirical studies on the practicability and efficiency of the individual SUPERCOMP compost systems. The composting of organic waste by SUPERCOMP resulted in plant-tolerated compost after a rotting duration of 12 weeks, a volume reduction of 80% and a reduction of the organic components of 64%.


JOANNEUM RESEARCH conducted empirical studies for 12 weeks on the practicability and efficiency of the individual SUPERCOMP compost systems.

Significant innovative components in the system are the sliding surfaces which slow the downwards movements, leading to a continuous rotting process with an optimized vertical ventilation. The physical basis for this are the different frictional forces between the mature compost and immature rotting material, which, via the formation of support lines, lead to the stabilizing of the rotting material, thus enabling a continuous process. The selected surfaces and angles of inclination of the sliding surfaces lead to the building of support lines in the rotting material within the first 6 weeks.

Reactor tons, with different material properties and a volume of 300 liters (wooden container) and 350 liters (container made of plastic), were examined. The aim was to develop data for nutrient balance, operational and functional stability, and the quality of the produced mature compost in practical operation. The feeding was conducted continuously with a) organic waste and b) fresh grass clippings.

Reactor ton grass clippings and nuclear ton bio waste

Based on a total performance of 910 liters over a period of 12 weeks and a residual amount of 160 liters, the results are a reduction in volume by approximately 82 percent. The volume reduction did not run constantly, but reached its peak between the 6th and 8th week under the given experimental conditions. Over time, these results reach an average reduction in volume of around 35 percent per week of rotting. Based on the compost weight, the results were a weight reduction of 150kg within 12 weeks of rotting.


The composting of organic waste by SUPERCOMP with both experimental designs – from only fresh grass clippings and in the second experimental design, including organic waste from the kitchen – resulted in plant-tolerated compost after a rotting duration of 12 weeks, a volume reduction of 80% and a reduction of the organic components of 64%.

Note in their own right for grass composting

Based on loosely dumped grass clippings, the volume reduction is even greater: by 50% in the first week, because the material does not only shrink during composting, but also compacts itself with its own weight inside the composter.