Why are there no unpleasant smells?

Conventional composting

Why do foul odours occur during conventional composting?

Since in conventional composting (without the supporting device of SUPERCOMP) the pile  is laying on the ground with its full weight, the base of the pile is compressed, leaving the innermost part of the pile inadequately ventilated:


Compost creatures are aerobic*, meaning that like humans, they need oxygen/air. However, in traditional composters without technology, the innermost part of the pile gets little to no oxygen.

The result is a lack of air, leading to putrefaction and foul odours.

For ventilation – but also for removing mature compost – the pile needs to be moved at least twice a year.

‘*Example from composting compounds:

Investigations have shown that the compost creatures begin to suffer as little as 24 hours after the heap being successfully moved, (again) due to lack of air.

The moving is often left out due to being tiresome and “stinky”. The process includes:

• Taking apart the composter

• Separating or removing the ready from the not-yet ready compost

• Rebuilding the composter

• Shoveling the not-yet compost back into the composter in alternate layers with, for example, leaves or wood chips

The new composting with SUPERCOMP

Why you can also easily place the SUPERCOMP auch near the border to your neighbours’ yard?

The compost heap is no longer laying on the ground with its full weight, being supported instead by a sliding and supporting device, about 25 cm above the floor. Thus, the pile is fully ventilated vertically, from the ground up, even at its innermost core.


Unpleasant odors are therefore avoided, and the SUPERCOMP composter does not need to be moved.

You can also set the SUPERCOMP up very close to the house, or even on your patio.

Further related effects: